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Netflix StreamFest: What Animated Content To Watch

Animated Movies Recommendations Netflix

Animation is definitely one of the most creative visual art forms out there. The artform inherently lends itself to be extremely imaginative and helps in truly transporting the viewers to a whole new, unique world, filled with fantastical creatures or characters that are more human than people in real life. With Netflix being free for everyone over this weekend in India, check out this list of wonderfully animated content that will help you make the most of this unique opportunity.

1. Castlevania

Based on a retro video game franchise of the same name, Castlevania is an anime-style fantasy drama, set in the medieval times, where a gifted but shirking young monster hunter takes on the insurmountable task of saving eastern Europe from the wrath of Count Dracula himself. The stylistic animation, the excessively gory visuals and the amazing adventure story; in short, it is a can’t-miss show on Netflix. There are 3 seasons, but the episodes are only about 20 mins each, which makes it a breeze to get through and finish within these 2 days.

2. Blood Of Zeus

Made by the same creators as of Castelvania, Blood Of Zeus is a story set in ancient Greece, revolving around one of Zeus’s many illegitimate children and his introduction to a world of Gods and Monsters.

Talk about a series that went over a lot of people’s radar and deserves much more love and attention. Not a single episode of this show was boring or uninteresting. The characters are all great, the story is extremely engaging and the stylistic animation makes a return with some really cool action sequences. If you are looking to watch Castlevania, this is as good as any follow up can get.

3. Love Death + Robots

Unlike other story-driven shows and movies on this list, Love Death + Robots is a collection of animated short stories, spanning several genres, including science-fiction, fantasy, horror and comedy. If you are looking for a masterclass in animation, this is it. From beautifully drawn cartoony animation to hyper-realistic CGI, this series is sure to blow your minds from a purely technical standpoint.

4. A Silent Voice/ The Shape Of Voice

The review for this one will be coming soon, but all I will say right now is that if you end up watching only one thing from this list, this might as well be it. This film hit me harder than any other single piece of art did in a long time. It has the ability to make you laugh, cry, connect with its characters and feel for them to an unexplainable degree. Apart from being an incredibly heartfelt story, it is also beautifully animated, with an art style that is so distinct and surreal, you will find yourself gawking at the screen at certain moments, just in awe of what you are witnessing.

5. Spirited Away

A truly timeless and boundless classic not only within the cosmos of animated media but all of cinema. Hayao Miyazaki's magnum opus is a film that is supposed to be experienced, rather than described. If I ever were to make a list of films that you should watch before dying, this will most definitely be among the top choices.

I have already written an in-depth breakdown of the themes and messaging behind Spirited Away so after watching it, be sure to check that out as well by clicking here.

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